Data & Technology
The Age of Shortages and How AI can Help
Thursday, April 25, 2024, 3:10 PM - 3:50 PM
Labour shortages abound, not only on talent markets. Understanding the origins, dynamics and factors influencing lack of workers will be paramount to survive the global competition.
Despite the economic slowdown, unemployment remains historically low. Labour shortages abound, not only in talent markets but across many sectors and occupations. New technologies such as (generative) AI might help but not all jobs can benefit to the same extent.
This session will explore:
- Origins and dynamics of labour shortages
- Demographic, social and economic factors driving shortages
- Focus areas for strategic HR policies
- Innovative use of AI to address shortages.
Learning outcomes:
- Which sectors and occupations suffer the most from shortages
- Whether these shortages are temporary or are likely to worsen
- How employers can maximise the use of talent they already have
- How AI can help cope with labour shortages.