Establishing a Corporate Narrative on COVID

Saturday, July 1, 2023, 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM
(UTC+02:00) Berlin, Bern
Angela Le Mathon

Angela will share her work over the last year of drawing together multiple sources of data on a global workforce, and creating dashboards that provide the critical and up-to-the-minute insight that senior leadership currently need, and will now also expect in the future as we eventually move on from the pandemic.

Maintaining control of people data when your people are now largely or entirely working remotely presents many challenges. From delivering for operational needs of reporting, governance and quality, to more tactical and strategic questions of what are the critical measures that your organisation needs to track during the pandemic, and how to set this up to meet government guidelines.

Risk, Policy, Wellbeing, Legal, Audit, Communications

Knowledge required: HRIS, BI, Systems architecture


  • Reporting on a disparate workforce working remotely
  • Ensuring data quality and hygiene
  • Putting in place effective governance and legal safeguards
  • Complying with new, mandatory reporting requirements
  • Navigating the ethical questions raised by the new data points that must be collected for operational or legal requirements.

This session will explore:

  • How we collect the data we now need, and how these processes are automated
  • How we draw it together in a dashboard that provides the rapid insights our business partners and executives urgently need day-to-day
  • The conversations we had and are having with our workforce about what data we now collect, and why we need to.

Learning outcomes:

  • How to set up or improve your Covid reporting
  • What you need to know about ethics and transparency
  • How to use the current situation as an opportunity to dramatically improve your operational reporting, and start providing real-time workforce intelligence to business functions and senior leadership.