Using People Analytics to Tell a Story and Build a Business Case

People Analytics, Building a Business Case
Saturday, July 1, 2023, 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM
(UTC+02:00) Berlin, Bern
Heather Whiteman

In this session, you’ll get insights into how People Analytics can be used to design a compelling case, gain allies in the business, get stakeholder buy in, track success, and show the value and ROI of your initiatives.

Wondering how you can build a business case and drive action in your organisation through People Analytics?

Too often talent related initiatives are not supported because there isn’t an effective business case built to support them. People Analytics is more powerful than just a tool to get analytical answers to questions – it is a powerful tool to motivate change and drive action.

This session will explore:

  • People Analytics to support a business case
  • People Analytics to show the outcomes of an initiative

Learning outcomes:

  • How to build an effective business case using People Analytics
  • How to use People Analytics to motivate and inspire action.