Google your HR Data: How a Good UX Can Make HR More Data-Driven

Frauke Austermann

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Our mission as the Global Workforce Analytics team at Henkel is to help HR and people managers take better, fact-based decisions.

This means User Experience is key! We want our colleagues to “google” their HR data in seconds. For that, we developed our HR Reporting One Entry Point. It has full-text search, intuitive logic along the Employee Experience, and you can easily manage your favourites and see the most-used reports in any system.

This session will explore:

  • The process we went through to design and launch our HR Reporting One Entry Point tool
  • Who we partnered with, and the skills and tools that enabled us to succeed
  • How we tested with users, optimised the user experience, and drove adoption across the business
  • The value we have provided the business, and the lessons we learned along the way.

Learning outcomes:

  • A practical method to help HR and people managers take better, fact-based decisions.
  • Understanding the critical importance of User Experience, and how to test and optimise
  • The features and benefits of the tool we created, and advice on building something similar at your own organisation.