Promoting Cultural Transformation through People Analytics and Employee Experience
People Analytics at Vale, in addition to enhancing a data culture, contributes to the agenda of people at the center and drive the transformation of leadership, where leaders are accountable for management and results of their teams.
This presentation has a strategic view on how we are approaching culture transformation bringing capabilities of a 3.0 HR to leverage the employee experience and build a more data driven mindset on a global company – 73.000 direct employees, ~5500 leaders and ~700 HR employees. On top of that, as we are living pandemic times, we are also building notions on new ways of working.
- Understanding the organizational context and seeking to meet the main strategic challenges using a people analytics structure to bring insights to the business. We will share challenges on:
- How to connect people Analytics with the organization’s strategy
- How to deal with the challenge of data management, governance, team building, data literacy and data privacy laws.
- How to create an employee centric perspective to generate analysis o How we shared our insights with the business using an agile model
- How to increase organization awareness of people analytics projects to stablish and grow the businesses.
This session will explore:
- Connecting People Analytics with Strategy: The Challenge of evaluating Cultural Transformation with Employee centric perspective.
Learning outcomes:
- People analytics – a multifaced way of approaching cultural transformation.