Finding the Hidden Patterns in Gender Pay Gap Data
This case study demonstrates how HR professionals' analytical mindset is changing, how they can work with data scientists to find beyond the simple metrics, and develop impactful people analytics practices.
How can HR professionals leverage data to find hidden patterns of the gender pay gap without being data scientists?
The gender pay gap exists despite regulation, hype, and preoccupation with the subject. The extra mile that HR and People Analytics professionals should go is into their analytics skills and critical thinking. The Presentation binds the two ends, both presenting a case study with practical advice on the topic and an opportunity to challenge the audience's critical thinking and leverage it. A deeper glance into the topic, based on data, analytics, and visualization will be offered in a Workshop.
This session will explore:
- Why are we failing to see the hidden patterns of the gender pay gap?
- Demonstrating some hidden patterns of the gender pay gap based on data
- How can HR professionals work better with data scientists to spot the hidden patterns?
- Generalizing the case study for up-skilling and re-skilling in critical thinking and analytical mindset.
Based on the speaker's experience in actual projects, articles and teaching People Analytics
Learning outcomes:
- How to explore the gender pay gap beyond simple metrics?
- How does better work with a data scientist create a better impact?
- What must I not miss in critical thinking and analytical mindset?