Identifying the Future-Ready Workforce and the Skills Needed to Win

Michael Cox

Available to:

Pro Members

Learn how Nestle People Analytics worked with its business leaders to understand, research and analyse the future skills required to deliver a Future Ready Workforce.

This session will also explore how the People Analytics team used analysis and insights to create a platform for change, and then designed and developed a whole new approach to skills-based Strategic Workforce Planning. Learn how we used the 4B's - Buy, Build, Borrow, and Bot - to ensure that our global Talent strategies were integrated to deliver the workforce of the future.


  • How to address the challenges that organisations face in developing the Future Ready Workforce and the critical Future Skills.
  • How to gain the sponsorship from Senior Business Leaders, through identifying actionable insights to tackle the challenges ahead.
  • How to develop a new skills based approach to Strategic Workforce Planning that looks to build an integrated Talent strategy on a global scale.

This session will explore:

  • Why did we need to change - Researching the Future Ready Workforce
  • Leveraging insights and analysis to build the momentum for change and increase the sponsorship for a new approach to Strategic Workforce Planning
  • Developing the 4B Methodology for SWP and placing skills at the heart of the process
  • Pilot successfully
  • Scale across the Nestle group to ensure a fully integrated Talent planning cycle to sustain success.

Learning outcomes:

  • The importance of research and analysis to help our business leaders to tackle the biggest people challenges
  • How to create the momentum for change through providing actionable insights
  • How to re-design a more effective Strategic Workforce Planning process that addresses the Future Skills required to Win
  • How to deliver SWP at scale.