storytelling with HR data: from disparate data to stellar story

1:20 PM - 2:00 PM

Have you ever had to cobble HR data together from different sources and try to finesse it into a cohesive communication? In this energising and interactive session, best-selling author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic demonstrates how to transform graphs from acceptable to exceptional and weave disparate data together into compelling, action-inspiring stories. You’ll be inspired—and learn practical tips and strategies—to make your next data-driven HR story your best one yet.

In the realm of HR, data is abundant. However, the challenge lies in transforming this disparate data into a cohesive, compelling narrative that can drive action and change. This is where the art of storytelling comes into play. By weaving data into a compelling story, HR professionals can effectively communicate insights, influence decision-making, and inspire action.

In this session, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic explores the art and science of storytelling with HR data. She demonstrates how to transform disparate data into a cohesive narrative and how to elevate your graphs from merely acceptable to truly exceptional.

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Founder & CEO

This session will explore:

  • The importance of storytelling in communicating HR data effectively
  • Practical strategies for transforming disparate data into a cohesive narrative
  • Techniques for enhancing the visual appeal and impact of your graphs
  • Real-world examples of effective storytelling with HR data
  • The impact of effective storytelling on decision-making and action.

Learning outcomes:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the role and importance of storytelling in HR data communication
  • Learn practical strategies for transforming disparate data into a compelling narrative
  • Understand how to enhance the visual appeal and impact of your graphs
  • Gain insights into how effective storytelling can influence decision-making and inspire action
  • Walk away with actionable strategies for effective storytelling with your HR data.