Some Like It Hot: The Skills Behind Skills Planning
How many times a day do we say the word ‘skill’ in our Strategic Workforce Planning work these days? For many of us, skills - and the ability to plan for skills - became the hottest commodity in an organisation.
Skill planning can be done in many different ways and at many levels of maturity. Explore how this is done at BT Group, and gain some practical guidance on what the ‘secret sauce’ ingredients are for building up your own individual and organisational skill planning capability from zero to hero.
Come and join for some practical, ‘sleeves up’ conversation.
Organisational and individual skill readiness for skills planning has become one of the major strategic contributors to an organisation’s success.
This session will explore:
- BT Group’s journey of skills planning
- Organisational enablers
- Deep dive into the individual skill planner skill set and relating tech stack.
Learning outcomes:
Learning from other organisations’ and like-minded colleagues’ experiences.