Filling Future Skills Gaps to Enable Digital Transformation
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 3:10 PM - 3:50 PM
Filling Future Skills Gaps to Enable Digital Transformation
Thursday, April 20, 2023
3:10 PM - 3:50 PM
A holistic approach to continuously assessing and filling future skills gaps to enable digital transformation at scale.
This session will explore:
- Hardwiring strategic initiatives with activities and skill requirements
- An approach to assessing current skill inventory and skill gap towards future oriented profiles
- Embedding digital learning in broader learning activities vs. isolated digital academies
- The link between digital transformation, role activity splits, and skill expectations
- How to get started: Digital skill assessment vs. human interaction
- Digital skills: isolated or embedded into overarching learning strategies
- Leveraging L&D data to drive org. development
Learning outcomes:
- A practitioner's example of an already implemented digital learning strategy
- It's not human OR tech interaction; it is human AND tech interaction.
A holistic approach to continuously assessing and filling future skills gaps to enable digital transformation at scale.
This session will explore:
- Hardwiring strategic initiatives with activities and skill requirements
- An approach to assessing current skill inventory and skill gap towards future oriented profiles
- Embedding digital learning in broader learning activities vs. isolated digital academies
- The link between digital transformation, role activity splits, and skill expectations
- How to get started: Digital skill assessment vs. human interaction
- Digital skills: isolated or embedded into overarching learning strategies
- Leveraging L&D data to drive org. development
Learning outcomes:
- A practitioner's example of an already implemented digital learning strategy
- It's not human OR tech interaction; it is human AND tech interaction.